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Oaxaca: Comunidades forestales
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Anuario Estadístico de la Producción Forestal 1996
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Anuario Estadístico de la Producción Forestal 1995
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What is Community Forestry?
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Understanding community-based REDD+ a manual for indigenous community trainers
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¿What is REDD+?
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¿Qué es REDD+?
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Preparación Jurídica Para REDD+ En México
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Community Forest Management and the Emergence of Multi-Scale Governance Institutions: Lessons for REDD+ Develompent from Mexico, Brazil and Bolivia
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Día Mundial de los Humedales
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Pro-poor Benefit Distribution In REDD+ Who Gets What And Why Does It Matter?
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Los hogares pobres dependen de productos forestales no maderables en tiempos de crisis
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Back to the forest; Exploring forest transitions in Candelaria Loxicha, Mexico
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World Bank: More donors supporting REDD+
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Forests and Climate Change in Latin America: Linking Adaptation and Mitigation
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Preventing the risk of corruption in REDD+ in Indonesia
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Nueva reglamentación alejará a empresas madereras de prácticas habituales
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New timber regulation to force companies away from business-as-usual practices
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Comunidades indígenas preparan una lista de "qué hacer y qué no hacer" en los esquemas de conservación de bosques
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Indigenous communities make a list of "do's and don'ts" for forest conservation schemes
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Los bosques de Oaxaca: una visión de fin de siglo
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REDD+ and a Green Economy: Opportunities for a mutually supportive relationship
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Lecciones Aprendidas Asia – Pacífico
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Unión Estatal de Silvicultores Comunitarios de Oaxaca, A.C. – UESCO
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Guía legal para dueños de bosques en México
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Who lives where?
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Radio Mexiquense, Entrevista A Lucía Madrid
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Two decades of community forestry in Nepal: What have we learned?
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Managing Forest Resources for Sustainable Development An Evaluation of the World Bank Group´s Experience Approach Paper
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Voices of the Forest: A Shifting Approach to Community Forestry
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Realizing Forest Rights in Vietnam: Addressing Issues in Community Forest Management
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When collective action and tenure allocations collide: Outcomes from community forests in Quintana Roo, Mexico and Peten, Guatemala
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Tenure, tourism and timber in Quintana Roo, Mexico: land tenure changes in forest ejidos after agrarian reforms
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The Management of Small Diameter, Lesser-Known Species as Polewood in Forest Communities of Central Quintana Roo, Mexico
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What makes community forestry work? A comparative case study in Michoacan and Oaxaca, Mexico
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Vicious and Virtuous Cycles and the Role of External Non-government Actors in Community Forestry in Oaxaca and Michoacan, Mexico
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